Disclaimer: Holly tells me she wants to use this blog as a journal of our adventures/experiences, so even the lame everyday stuff is gonna get put in here.
We got a Kitchen Aid mixer a couple of weeks ago as a wedding gift from our relatives. It's been sitting, or rather rolling around making horrible crashing noises while picking up several nice dents on the box, ever since. We didn't mean to let it sit in the car so long, intending to take it back to Macy's and trade it in for a different color or even upgrade it to a larger size. However, we are a couple of lazy bums and let the "school" excuse justify the thumping and sliding box which constantly rams the walls of the trunk everytime I make a turn. I guess you could say it was a daily reminder of the task we were supposed to do and yet continually procrastinated. Well today Holly and I said enough is enough and we took the expensive noise maker back to the store and up three flights of stairs for our refund. A few things happened once in the store. First: waiting around, holding a 50 lb box, for a customer service employee to materialize while other Macy's employees went about their business often glancing in our direction and giving us the, "I don't work that department" look. Second: when the customer service employee finally showed up and scanned the barcode on our mixer the computer showed the product was bought on sale for $120 dollars cheaper than what was printed on the box, and a full $220 (after mail in rebate) less than the cost of what the upgrade would be. Talk about a kick to the wallet (where the wallet is positioned between your legs). We asked them if we could just trade it in for a different color, black perhaps, but they told us this one only came in white....lovely. So, what do you do? We decided to take store credit instead and took our lovely little $191.78 gift card to the bedding section to find a ridiculously overpriced duvet cover. The one we landed on was a wonderful, shiny-grey $270 sheet that does nothing more than cover the down comforter which we bought at Costco for almost a third of that price. Lucky for us, some pimply-faced, minimum wage earning employee forgot to take down a forgotten sale sign that announced a previous (and not still current) price of $199. We jumped all over this and coupled with the fact that I had registered us at Macy's (although I never added anything to the registry, this is just a neat little trick to get discounts) we got an additional 10% off and would you believe our total came out to be $191.78, the exact amount of credit we got from the mixer trade in. Coincidence or what? So after walking in lugging a ridiculously heavy, overpriced but bought on sale mixer that turned my trunk into a maraca, we strolled out with an almost empty bag, containing a sewn piece of material probably made by a sweatshop worker in China. But who cares...we didn't have to pay for it. Boy am I gonna sleep good tonight.