This is the
HUGE line we waited in. The line wrapped all the way around the building. We almost didn't stay because Adam and I both had class at 12:05 and figured it would take more than an hr. and a half. (We arrived at 10:30). I walked up to the front of the line and asked how long those people had been waiting, and to my surprise, they answered 30 min. Adam, Erika, and I decided
WHY NOT..the weather isn't too bad and its not everyday you get free food right? So we waited in line which gave Erika and I the chance to catch up since we don't see each other very often, which was nice. Adam ran into one of his good friends and his ex-girlfriend. There were a lot of BYU students hanging out, so it was fun.
However, there was an insane woman in front of us in line (If you look at the picture at the top...she is the lady in the bottom left corner). She was like the line Gestapo. She wouldn't let anyone get by her, who she assumed was cutting or joining their party. I thought there was going to be a smack down at one point. She would get all up in peoples faces. Everyone around us was scared of her...
i'm not kidding. The people behind us had a few people joining up in their group and worried the lady would go all crazy on them. So they kept letting people go ahead of them, hoping the lady wouldn't notice when their other friends arrived.
So we get inside and they are handing out coupon booklets. This "crazy" lady pretended she was handing them out to people, and got a huge handful and shoved them in her pocket (
TOTAL HYPOCRITE). She even grabbed another handful later. Adam swore she was homeless and that the other lady who was with her had picked her up off the street. Erika actually overheard "Crazy" talking with this other lady...and found out they both came alone...and crazy had invited herself to sit with this other woman. So she was not homeless after all..just
One of the boys who was waiting on his other friends went inside to use the bathroom. When he came out he came up to us and said, "Man that crazy lady has got some issues" or something to that extent, not realizing that the lady was right behind him. He turned around because Erika and I were pointing and giving him the signal to stop talking, and realized what had just happened (You should have seen the look on his face). He immediately began saying, "no the
OTHER crazy lady"He was totally embarrassed and went back into the bathroom to hide LOL. Luckily right after the incident it was Crazys turn to be seated.
Needless to say, Crazy was the highlight of the day. We couldn't stop laughing. So we were glad we waited in line after all. Adam and I were 30 min late to class but it was no biggie.

Adam hates pictures especially in the morning. What a butt! He pulled down his hood right before Erika took the picture.