After our sex and gender class was over today, Adam and I met with our group to discuss ideas for our project. Our group liked the idea that Adam and I came up with together the best, so they wanted us to go get it approved from our teacher...
So, Adam and I go up to the teacher and start discussing our idea with her. She looks down at my ring and says, "You're married!!" (Like something wasn't right). I looked at her confused and said, "Ya, he is my husband, pointing over at Adam." She gasped and said with relief, "OH GOOD!!" Then preceded to say, "I saw him touch your butt and I thought it was sexual harassment, and thought I had to intervene and report it." Adam and I started laughing because neither one of us remembered him touching my butt. When you get married, these actions turn into automatic responses. We said that we would try to keep the PDA down a notch. We thought it was hilarious.
4 hours ago
Haha! That is hilarious!
HA HA HA HA HA HA I love it!!!
I grab Shawn's butt all the time in public...
okay, I just read this a second time because I thought it was so funny...
I can't believe blake leaves in 2 weeks! Braddy will be coming home in OCT. It goes by so fast!
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