Two posts in one day. Wow I must have some time on my hands. Yup, jobless and done with school. I am loving this. lol. Adam and I haven't even started looking for jobs. I did get offered a teaching position in China, which I was happy about at first... until I found out all the fees and things I needed to get over there. not including the air fare. It is still a good opportunity. 4 grand a month is pretty good for someone like me without any experience. If Adam did it too we could make 92,000 minus the fees and airfare ( a few grand if we both did it-Its about 1500 a person). They pay for your room and board. They reimburse you for your airfare once you are done teaching. Anyways on with my post.
I heart San Diego and Sea Port Village
It is such a fun place. I love visiting all the shops and seeing all the vendors. My sister is a bird person, so we had to stop and get some photos.

We always enjoy taking a rest at the hammock shop after we have finished walking around and looking at all the different shops.
It is so pretty. I have so many memories here! One of my first spiritual experiences took place here. I had a doll named Dianna that my Grandma Louise had given me. She was about the size of my hand now. A tiny little thing. While I was playing there I must have lost one of her shoes, and noticed her shoe was missing after we were 20 minutes into our drive home. I was devastated. I told my parents and they I am sure were not thrilled. lol. They loved me to pieces and wanted to make an effort to go back, even though they knew that finding her shoe would be like finding a needle in a hay stack. Her shoe was twice the size of a barbie doll shoe. We always walk all throughout Sea Port Village. We had no idea where it could be. Plus it had already started to get dark. I said a little prayer with so much faith (wish I had the same faith I did back then) right before we drove back into the parking lot. We got out of the car and instantly and very excitedly I picked up the shoe off the ground right next to the car tire and showed my parents that God had answered my prayer. ha.
This rock guy is amazing. He balances them so fast.
So I arrived at 3am on the Saturday of Kevin Van Hausters wedding. My mom volunteered me to help cater it that night. Needless to say, I was exhausted. I was glad to help out though and see some familiar faces.
SISTERS! We look so different. I look like my dad and my sister looks like my mom. Adam calls her sue june.
I was able to see my friend Ashley before she went back to college in Redlands. We went to get frozen yogurt of course at white lime. Yogurt is our thing.
I was also able to enjoy the company of my good friend Amanda who will be here a couple more weeks before she goes back to Chico. We went to BJ's cuz its our thing. Love their buffalo chicken pizza and pazookies of course.
Adam and I our pretty much situated here at my parents for the mean time. Finished putting our room together. Went through my clothes and feel more organized. Now we just need to help my parents clean out the garage, so that Adam and I can fit our stuff that is just sitting in the living room in there.
What I really need to do this week is CHANGE MY NAME!!!! Oh my gosh its been almost a year and a half and I am still legally Holly Simpson. It is about time I became Holly Towner don't you think?
I am so glad the moving process is over with for now.
I love going to San Diego and walking through the shops and watching them stack those rocks! Have fun getting your name changed. It took me forever at the social security office.
I know I am not looking forward to it. I made an appointment, so hopefully I wont have to wait as long.
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