I have been SO incredibly happy lately. This week was so uplifting and I feel great because I have been meeting ALL my goals.
*I read the Book of Mormon in 2 months
It was such a positive experience for me. I would lay out a couple days a week (when the weather permitted it) and would read my scriptures for an hour or two. Reading the scriptures this way is so much better, for me. I get the whole picture, instead of bits and pieces. I use to read a chapter at a time and its hard to put it all together this way, when you have so much going on everyday. Now I am going over all the conference talks.
* I've been going to the gym 4-5 times a week
Usually 5 times a week (unless there is a Holiday, or I go out of town, which doesn't happen very often) I feel SO great. I know I look great too :) Its nice when you work so hard and see results. There are so many benefits of working out. First of all, its a great stress reliever. Second of all, it really improves lovemaking ;). It's simply awesome. It also adds motivation to do other things like clean the house. I also get together more with my good friend Erika this way. I get to eat whatever I want this way which is fun. I have been baking a lot, b/c I am putting together a recipe book of all the good recipes I have tried and liked. Of course, I would feel healthier if I ate better. I've done healthy diets in my life, my sugar free diet lasted 4 1/2 years and my ovo-vegitarian lasted 4 months, but I am just not ready for that kind of change right now.
*I started our wedding book
It's about time right? ha. I am really excited about it. It would be nice to finish before we move in July. I am going to set the 2 month goal for this one, since its a little more realistic. I am so excited because we find out where our area is going to be in like 3-4 weeks.
The reason this week was so uplifting is because Adam and I had to speak in church on Sunday. I learned so much this week, as I was preparing my talk. It was simply AWESOME. We got A LOT of compliments. Everyone Adam and I ran into had something nice to say about it. People even quoted stuff from the talks. It was so good to know that people enjoyed them and actually got something out of sacrament meeting. People told my mom stuff like "Wow, Holly is smart. I learned so much today. She is a great speaker. " So....since they were surprised, does that qualify as a compliment? ha. I got a lot of help. I don't want to take credit b/c I know the Lord directed me. The spirit was so strong. Adam definitely brought the spirit. He made a lot of people cry. He is the better speaker. I can't wait till next time we speak. It's fun. I REALLY enjoy giving talks now. I use to be terrified when I was younger. ha.
The only bummer this week was the fact that Adam didn't get home till late in the afternoon on Saturday. His flight got cancelled in New York and there was no other flight he could get to make his connecting flight. The only hope he had of getting home Friday night, was flying to Atlanta and then catching a flight from their to SD. He made it to Atlanta but the flight to SD got cancelled due to bad weather. There were no other flights he could take b/c they were all cancelled. It was a madhouse at the airport, if you could imagine. Everyone was rushing the counter. He was able to get a flight on Saturday to Ontario, but my car was in SD. I went with Adam's parents to pick him up at the Ontario airport then we drove to SD to pick up my car. I brought everyone brunch ( lemon blackberry scones). We had to run some errands after, so we made it home in time for him to prepare his talk and for me to cook a late dinner (spicy honey glazed chicken). -I halved it and left out both chili powders. It was spicy enough without it. I made potatoes with it, but rice would have been a much better option.
Because our weekend was cut short, I am very much looking forward to memorial weekend with my husband!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
My mom made her yummy orange rolls yesterday, so I am going to work extra hard at the gym tonight with Erika before I watch the bachelorette! You don't want to know how many I ate. I think Adam had more than me. lol.
My favorite thing out of everything I made this weekend were the Scones for sure!! Those are amazing. Some other things I made were oatmeal chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches (substitute a little of the flour for a little oatmeal and add 1/4 cup peanut butter to the famous nestle toll house chocolate chip recipe and put some vanilla bean ice cream in between two cookies). I made 3 dozen and just ate the last cookie. ha. The banana souffle was pretty good too.
4 hours ago