Amanda J is in LOVE!!
I am so happy for her. Wednesday afternoon she picked me up and we went to one of our favorite places to eat: Red Robbin. It was the best lunch we have ever had together, because it was just so exciting talking about her future! She is pretty sure Ilan is the one! He is one lucky guy that is all I can say. I am going to miss my dance partner/ walking buddy. I saw it coming. Lets see, I have been in CA ever since she started dating Ilan. Each time we went to lunch over the months, I could tell she was falling for him more and more each time. Too fun :) I am also going to miss all our lunch dates!!!
Heather's surprise birthday dinner
We met up at Esther's Taco house on Heather's birthday (Thursday). It was a surprise, but she didn's seem so surprised. lol. It was fun seeing her cute belly. She looks fabulous. I hope I can look at least half as good as she does when I get pregnant.
I got the tostada grande with carne asada. Yes, it was good!
Because I failed to get a picture, here are some older pictures taken with Heather and my other friends in the past 6 months (all of which I will miss). Who knows when I will be able to see their beautiful faces again?
Couldn't forget about Ashley!!! Love you! She is like a sister to me :)
I am also going to miss my gym buddies: my mom and Erika
Kiley's Wedding Day
Friday we spent the day in San Diego. Kiley and her husband were sealed in the afternoon. It was a beautiful sealing. I learned so much! After, we ate at El Torrito and went to the mall to kill time before the reception. I found a few things at Nordstroms that were really cute, and on sale. Score! We then headed to the reception. It was really fun. The food was great, and they had cheesecake for dessert. My kind of people! We danced the night away. It was a good time for sure. It had been years since we saw their cute family!!! It was so good to see everyone. They were so happy we came!
Kiley and me
Sarah and my sis (below)
Because of the closeness in age, we were good friends with these girls when they lived down the street! We are still sad to this day that they moved away from us. They said that they have yet to find a family to replace us. They wish they could move back down.
Not the best picture, but all the women in the wedding party said they were jealous of my blue shoes. You know, its hard taking pictures of your feet (especially while wearing high heels!) There was no way I was going to try to take a side angle shot.
The Towners go every year to the Moonlight Theater in Vista. Its a little tradition of theirs. I love it! The shows are always great. They have the best ice cream bars, and hot chocolate. You can't go without getting an ice cream bar, b/c its part of the tradition. My kind of tradition! We went on Saturday, after going to Aaron and Kaylee's open house.
Playing with my phone. Trying to get a good pic. They always turn out blurry when you try to take them yourself.

I have been enjoying these Rainbow sandals Adam got me a while back. They are comfortable, but not as comfortable as my reef sandals. I have a black and brown pair that I have had for a while. They are the most comfortable shoes I have ever had. However, they have sparkly black and brown ones that are plastic on top that are not comfy. I only wore them a couple times, and got rid of them. Funny how that works.
My Momma's Birthday (Sunday)
First, it started out with Judy dropping off our favorite cheesecake (white chocolate raspberry). My sister put on the candles. If you look closely you can see my mom's age. I am sure she is thrilled I am sharing it. ha.
My mom's birthday cake. Made by James Bishop, of course!
She had a lot of her friends stop by. Adam and I got her a pound of see's chocolate. I am glad she likes to share!
As you can seee, last week was filled with fun events. This week has been crazy. Its been spent getting everything taken care of before we take off. I booked our movers (one long process). There are a lot of shady companies out there!! (Made sure I checked the BBB and all the reviews on numerous sites). I picked out a paint color for our kitchen. Called the apartment to pay and get our lease mailed to us (Adam didn't have time to stop by and sign it this week, while he was in Texas. Work was just too crazy). Let see what else...I got all the belts changed on my car. Today I bought all our boxes, packing tap, bubble rap etc (researched and found a place that sells used boxes for half price and then buys the boxes back, and they have a location in Keller as well (lucky!). These last few days I have been de junking. Went through everything at my mom's that was kept from my childhood. Then there is the cleaning and the normal day to day activities. Adam and I are going to get new tires for my car this weekend. I've been researching to find the best tires, at a great price, with free rotation, at a place that is in Keller too. Incase anything goes wrong. Its down to two choices. I am 90% done with our wedding book. I have been working on that too. I have all the photos placed and the writing done. All that's left is the embellishments (Its 50 pages worth of goodness). I am also working on Adam's anniversary present. Need to finish up todays laundry now that I think about it. Tomorrow I will start putting all our wedding boxes in boxes. ha. Boxing everything shouldn't take too long! Last time we did it all in one night. Next week is our last week in CA! I probably wont be blogging for a while. With the move and all.