I just have to let some excitement out. I finished my last final last night, and I am proud to say that I am officially a BYU graduate! YES!!! No more SCHOOL for me :) I graduated with honors too (top 15% in my graduating class). I honestly never thought that would happen, so I thought I would brag just a little. WHOO HOOO!!
I accomplished my life long dream, and now I can tell my future children that I have a degree. I have always valued education, and hope my children do too.
Well Adam and I have already moved! ha. We had to move during finals week. A little stressful to say the least. We moved in ONE NIGHT (stayed up till 4am moving). It was due to family issues. Ex family members (on my mom's side of the family) started tampering with our stuff (turned off our water heater and took our power cord for the internet, so we wouldn'y have any). I say ex because we officially disowned them. They said a lot of stuff that they now regret. They treated Adam and I so badly and pissed a lot of other family member off because of what they did. I just hate that they are putting my grandma in a home. They D.I.ed all her stuff and told her she can never live in her home again. They are control freaks and basically kicked Adam and I out because they couldn't wait 3 days (until finals were over). Oh and none of Grandma's siblings are allowed to stay there anymore, when they come up to visit. It's getting rediculous, but it's okay because we don't ever have to see or talk to them again. It's just too bad that people like to take their frusterations out on nice people. Adam and I still do not know why they did all that stuff to us. We never even see these people or talk to them, until family reunions or holidays.
ON A POSITIVE NOTE: Adam and I are leaving for Ohio on the 23rd! We really, REALLY, REALLY can't wait. Adam has the nicest family in the entire world. I feel bad that I can't say the same about some of my ex extended family. I just can't believe the way they treated both of us. If I wrote down everything they said you would be shocked, and i mean SHOCKED. This wasn't just they said some mean things. NO it was beyond AWFUL. A lot of people who heard what they did, say they are going straight to hell.
Anyways, after Ohio we get to move back to CA!!! I am so excited for warm weather!! I miss the sun. It has been a winderwonderland down here. I do not like the snow anymore! Its just too cold.
We have been in school/ finals mode and have even forgotten it's Christmas time. Christmas is in a week. That is CRAZY. Last night Adam and I went caroling at the cove point retirement center with our psych 330 class. It was so much fun. The old people there were so grateful that we came to sing to them. One cute old lady started blowing us kisses. We were offered Belgium chocolate by another lady. Afterwards, we went to our teacher's house for treats. I have never seen a more decorated house in my life. There seriously couldn't have been more decorations inside. We had a lot of fun. It was the first Christmasy thing that Adam and I have done this year (well besides going to temple square with my parents to see the lights-which by the way was disspointing this year b/c they cut back on lights. They probably only used half as many as they did last year).
4 hours ago