We were able to go snowboarding :)
Here I am wearing a jacket way too large for my little frame. Outdoors unlimited over at BYU didn't have any small jackets available, or girl jackets for that matter.
LOL I look like a little boy here!!!
I wouldn't recommend renting boards from BYU. I had trouble carrying my board because it was so dang heavy, and the bindings were super ghetto. I am thinking thats what made the board so heavy. We would have gone somewhere else to rent if we hadn't waited till the last minute. We took off to Brighton right after we rented my lovely gear.

I do like my lavendar boarding pants though (they look like a dull grey here becuase Adam had my camera on a funky setting) . They were over a hundred dollars on sale for 35 bucks.

I always get nervous when the time comes to get off the lift, even though I never fall. For some reason I have anxiety issues with it. I am afraid I am going to hurt not only myself but someone else some day.
Adam is a such a sweetheart because he stayed with me on the intermediate runs, even though he is pretty much pro. Sadly, I got tired after going down like four times. That just proved to me how badly I need to get back in shape!! I let Adam go off for a little bit, while I rested, cuz I know he missed doing the park runs with the jumps and rails. This is the first time in a long time that he doesn't have a season pass to Canyons or Park City. After he returned, I went up with him a couple more times before we left. We went and ate at Good Wood after because were in the mood for some good barbeque.
Did I mention we only have two weeks left until finals? Its great. We are past all the hard stuff. We have a couple papers and assignments left, but thats it. It's wonderful, I enjoy having time with my hubby!!!
This weekend we were privileged to be able to enjoy conference, and to spend time with Adam's parents. Conference was sooo good. I was surprised at how quickly each session passed by. If you didn't hear all the messages make sure to look them up. They were powerful and inspiring.
On saturday, we went to Outback Steakhouse with the in-laws as well as with Carrie and Mark (Adams Aunt and Uncle). They are hoot. We had a good time. Outback's bloomin onion is pretty good, but the coconut shrimp is by far their best appetizer (FYI). Adam and I always get the Outback Special every time we go, with the sweet potato and green beans. Their sweet potatoe tastes like dessert. It is my favorite. After, we went and saw Fast and Furious. It was pretty good besides the girl make-out scenes (which were so unnecessary).

1 comment:
Some friends asked us to go to the new Fast and Furious movie... I had seen some of the other ones and there were always skanky girls... I didn't want Shawn to see that so we opted not to go... I'm really glad we missed the girls making out! yikes, I agree, very unnecessary.
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