First before I talk about Adam and I, I want to say that my little sister looked so beautiful last night. She went to her senior Prom with Austin, in one of my old dresses. My mom added on sleeves for her. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. That means I am getting old. She is going away to college next year and my mom is going to be an empty nester! WEIRD

I wanted to update some pictures, mainly for my lovely parents. My dad went to Cabella's last year and brought me home a Cabella's hat. He told me that I needed to go sometime to see Bambi. Bambi was my favorite movie when I was a little girl, infact, my first favorite movie. I watched it several times a day when I was two years old. So dad, I took a picture with Bambi just for you :) We went to Cabella's last weekend and decided to stop by IKEA after. We ate lunch there and it was super cheap, but not soo tastey. I only enjoyed their lingonberry juice. **We got fishing licenses while we were at Cabella's and Adam and I have gone out twice since then. I still haven't caught any fish yet. We apparently didn't get the memo for the right bait. So next time we go, we should be bringing some fish home!**

On to more exciting news....ok not for anyone but me. Here is the bathroom after Adam cleaned it for me. The cabinent is a little crowded it usually just has the fake orchids and picture on it. We bought a stereo for our ipod for when we take showers and go camping. We use it all the time so it's permanently found a home there. That is the lovely rose my husband left me, just because. He is so sweet :) Oh and yesterday we bought a new rug that totally matches our shower curtain, i love it because it is so soft on your feet.

Some actually exciting news. SO my husband is selling this spring/summer comcast so we can bring in some extra cash. Its pretty much a cake job cuz its cheaper than anything out here right now by A LOT. If you do minimum sales you average a little over 3,000 a month. He might work with his friend at Parks too which is not as exciting because its only 7.50 an hour plus commission (got to love Utah).....but you get free passes to all the ski resorts. I am not working cuz I am taking classes right now. Adam also has another job lined up (for the most part) after graduation where he will be making 50,000. This way we can start saving for a house before he jumps into grad school.
Red Robin's fry seasoning is SO good. Don't steal it though, just ask them if you can have a bottle. They have given it to me before.
Love Red Robin fry seasoning! We also always ask for honey mustard dressing to dip our fries in- so good! We're so excited for you guys to be graduating this year and moving back to California! Then we can finally hang out :)
I can't believe your parents will be empty nesters! That is weird! My Dad always said we should have stopped at 3! ha ha And BTW Bambi was my favorite movie when I was little too! I'm glad you and Adam are doing good. You seem so happy!
Adam and I are so happy. He is doing so well with sales. He made seven sales last night for his first day, and three this morning. He made two while he was a total of 12 sales so far! yippy skippy thats 700 bucks that he has made so far in a day and a half. GO BABE!
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