After seeing them in concert on Saturday

I was very dissapointed with Jack's Mannequin. Andrew McMahon is the weirdest performer I have ever seen. I call him slinky man. He could not sit still. He would stand up for a second, do a weird snake like motion, sit down for a second, and then do it all over again. I couldn't help but laugh. Everyone else in the band just stood there like statues. There was nothing real great about it. It was just OK for me. I guess I should give Andrew a break. He recovered from acute lymphoblastic leukemia and has done a lot to raise money for leukemia awareness. He also has his own foundation geared toward raising money for cancer research.

The sky was really pretty that night

I was a little impressed with the Fray. I am not gonna lie. Isaac Slade has an amazing voice and the rest of the band contributed to impressing me. I just wish I would have been more familiar with their songs. I only knew their hit songs, like
How to Save a Life (which was touching b/c Isaac told the story behind that song) and
Cable Car (Over my head). We ended up leaving after a few songs as a result.

I really liked all the lights they used and especially the screen at the top


Like I said, I like the Fray a little more and Jack's Mannequin a little less.
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