Its been 18 days since my first post about my exercise goal.Those of you on facebook know that I am still going strong. I have been writing down when I go to they gym to help keep me motivated. I could see how that might get annoying. My answer to that is simply ignore it. I am doing it for me, not for you. My goal is to have some buns of steal before summer. ha. The older we get the harder that goal gets.
My husband gets back on Tuesday. I have missed him so much. He had an interview in Utah last Tuesday for a pharmaceutical sales rep position. If he gets the job we could be moving to Washington. We will find out in about a week. He stayed up in Utah for his grandmother's 87th birthday party that was on Saturday. She isn't doing too well, so I am glad he was able to spend some time with her.
Have any of you been watching BYU basketball? They are doing so well this year. Adam and I went to a game before we moved down to CA. They played against Eastern Washington. The score was 91 to 34 (total blowout). They were leading the nation in wins and had the second longest active winning streak before they lost to New Mexico by 4 points on Jan 27th. They are ranked 12 in the polls. They have won 21 games and lost 2 so far.
I am very excited about the super bowl this year. GO COLTS!!! I think the Saints are a really good team and if they win cool, but I think it would be even more amazing if the Colts won. Go Austin Collie!!! Got to support him since he played for BYU. Collie finished his rookie season in the NFL among the top statistical leaders for all rookies. He is tied for 1st along with Percy Harvin for the # of receptions caught this year. I like Peyton Manning as well.
For any cookie lovers out there...
I made some delicious oatmeal raisen cookies the other day for my dad. They are his favorite. I love baking them because they make the house smell like Christmas. If you are a fan of oatmeal raisen cookies you have to try this recipe. Out of 2512 rated reviews, almost every single person gave it five out of five stars. I am not a huge fan of this kind of cookie, but I love this recipe, and now this kind of cookie. ha.
7 hours ago
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