We both really like Red Mango..and simply put who doesn't? But, we decided to venture out this time and try this new place that opened up called Hello Yogurt. I will now tell you the pros and cons of both that way you can decide which place suites your fancy. Red Mango by far has a better selection of fruit toppings. They ONLY offer original tangy yogurt though...but it tastes so good with raspberries and blueberries!! That is what I get everytime. (they have another flavor but its not important because who wants green tea yogurt?)Hello Yogurt offers 6 flavors at a time and they switch them out. So really the options are endless. Tonight I tried their Irish mint and chocolate swirl with gummy bears and reeses pieces, and it was VERY SCRUMPTIOUS!! They have more candy toppings to choose from than Red Mango. They are both really good. I just like the fact that hello yogurt has so many different flavors.

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