I wanted to make some fun Easter treats for all my loved ones and favorite neighbors. They were delicious. I ate too many. I used Paula Deen's cream cheese frosting. Yum, yum.
I started making these Easter goodies around 9:30pm last night and finished just in time to go pick up Adam from the airport with Steve and Sheila. It was very nice of them to drive me down there, so that I could drive Adam back in my car.
Adam has been REALLY sick this past week. I took him to urgent care as soon as we got into town. They put him on a heavy antibiotic, which the doctor said probably wouldn't help anyways b/c the infection is just too strong and too far into doing its business. We decided to get it anyways, and dropped 125 bucks. Hey, if its helping at all we are happy about it.
We didn't get home and in bed till 4am. I made him some chicken noodle soup to take with his pill. He is use to eastern time, so he really went to bed at 7am. Crazy. Then we got out of bed at 9am cuz neither one of us could sleep. This is why I have such heavy bags under my eyes. Pray that he will get better soon!! He has to catch an early flight Monday morning. I feel so bad for him. He has so much medicine and drugs in him right now to try to make all his symptoms feel better. I just hope he can get some sleep. He is just in too much pain with his sore throat, cough, sinus pressure, and body aches to even be able to lie down. It makes the symptoms worse :/
Here is our candy from the easter bunny......guess who will be eating all of it....
yup, me!! All that work at the gym is in vain. lol. Ill work it all off eventually. lol
Ill try to save some for my man, so he can enjoy some when he gets well. Those are all my favorite candies though, so its going to be tough. Those Cadbury mini eggs are delicious! My first time trying them was yesterday. I used them on the cupcakes. Yes, I have been deprived for too long.
My wonderful mother in law gave me this easter gift. For Adams gift, She gave him a huge box of medicine and different things to help him feel better, and stay well in the future. Very nice. Oh, and I can't forget the lovely costco cake she left behind :)
On a side note....these beautiful flowers are in my parents front yard:
On another side note...I learned how to make a diaper cake for baby showers. I can't believe I am in that phase of my life. Its crazy! I hope Kimmy enjoyed it. I wasn't able to go to it, since Adam is so sick. I should have taken a picture of the cute outfit we got her little boy. It was adorable.
I hope everyone has a happy Easter!!! Let us remember why we really celebrate Easter. Its sometimes easy to forget with all the candy and fun.
Both sessions of conference were really good. I really felt like I got a lot of direction today, and am looking forward to both sessions tomorrow.
7 hours ago
your easter goodies are so cute! dan &i are going to make some tomorrow. i hope they will turn out. we're not the best at decorating cupcakes. yours are good inspiration:]. happy easter!
Thanks Rachel!! Happy Easter to you too :)
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