That make me smile =)
Today my husband sent me a text message in the middle of the day which said....
I miss you. I want to hold you in my arms.
Later on when we talked on the phone he said, "I have been thinking about you all day. I really miss you."
He always says sweet things to me, but today it really made my day. I am always looking forward to the weekends now. I wish we could spend more time together!
This past weekend we made some poor movie choices, but made great food choices.
Don't rent this movie from Redbox. It is a HORRIBLE movie that is all you need to know.
Okay, so Clash of the Titans wasn't horrible but it wasn't that great. Don't bother seeing it in 3D like we did. There really is no difference. I am just glad we got in free. I wouldn't have wanted to pay to see this movie. They make a huge build up towards this one part, and then when the part happens its over in like 2 minutes. Kinda lame. I can't wait till Robin Hood comes out.
Friday we had Pacino's New York Style pizza with the fam. We got the belly buster combo. Delicious! I have been three times since I have been living at my parents. I am not a huge pizza person, but I love their pizza. We got some frozen yogurt for dessert. Last time I got some was in January, so I was happy.
Did I mention that I am enjoying having my sister home? Well, I really am. After we move who knows when I will see her next.
Saturday I spent all day with my husband after I completed the Biggest Loser Boot Camp. I wanted Thai for lunch so we went to a place my neighbor recommended. Their prices were really reasonable. We got five different things. We both love curry and noodles. My favorite thing we got was dessert. I am in love with the Mango and sticky rice!!! I could eat that every night. YUM YUM YUM!
7 hours ago
mango and sticky rice sounds uh-mazing. I could eat mango every day it is that good.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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