Not only has it taken over our evenings, but it has taken over my dreams
Ever since we got netflix a couple weeks ago, we have been watching 24. We heard that this is the only way you can watch this show, and now we know why. We are so addicted and can't imagine having to wait a week to find out what happens next. Anyways, all my dreams lately have been related to this show. ALL. Some of them are really scary too!! Like the other night when I dreamed that my sister was killed, I woke up in tears. I have had multiple dreams where people are trying to kill me, b/c I am in similar positions like Jack is on the show. It's getting kinda crazy/ridiculous. This has never happened to me before. I wonder when the dreams will stop? lol I hope before we are done watching the series. We are only at the end of season one!!! I am actually turning 24 on Saturday. Maybe they will stop before my birthday. That would be a nice present. I love the show though. Its great. Castle is my other favorite at the moment.
On a side note, I was happy that my phone got the system upgrade for flashplayer 10.1 today. I can watch stuff on hulu wherever now :) I don't see how anyone could get bored with a smart phone. They really help pass time when you are stuck in a long line. I own a droid and love this stupid game called toss it. Adam and I challenge each other all the time. I am currently leading with 56 successful paper tosses in a row.
8 hours ago
I LOVE 24! I hears this year was the last season :(
I LOOOOOVE 24! When it came out on netflix I spent like 3 weeks watching all of the seasons. Its so addicting!
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