I have watched multiple episodes of Life Unexpected, and searched online for desks, bedroom furniture, and cars. I haven't found anything new, but I feel like we will be settling on the things I picked out weeks ago. These things are kinda essential, so Adam and I need to make a decision soon (asap, as in tonight, tomorrow, this weekend). I really just don't want to think about it anymore. ha. To anyone that reads this, let me know your opinion on these. Sometimes I don't think of the whole picture, so other people's input is much appreciated. We like the idea of having storage space. This is why we were thinking of this bedroom set
Cons: kinda looks on the cheap side, and could easily get cluttered.

We like this desk, but the bottom drawer doesn't sit right. It is a little off the track. A small defect, but it could be really bothersome. They had three of them in the store, and they all were like that. It wasn't just the one desk. I wish.
I am sore from taking back to back classes at the gym last night, so I am not going to that turbo kick class tonight. I was going to bake shepherds pie, but I am in the mood for breakfast. Crepes will be our dinner tonight. Okay, so I am having an off day. I love the gym. I love to cook, or eat good food. I never crave breakfast for dinner. I think it just has to do with this week.
We are at the end of season two of 24. I can't wait to finish it. My husband has had a long week at work. Its been hard to catch up the last few days. I am seriously having withdrawals! Plus, his car broke down. Hence, looking for cars online. He has had to use my car this week. I ended up dropping off treats to the sisters I visit teach around 8:30 last night, b/c my partner canceled and I had to wait for my husband to get home. I don't like not having a car. Its been an adjustment this week. We are taking Adam's car in on Saturday to the place right across the street from where I am going to be working. I start Monday. My husband is flying to CA next week, so we need to figure out by the end of next week what we are going to do about his car. Fix it, if these people can (no one seems to know whats wrong with it, we have tried replacing diff things), or just buy a new one.
On a more positive note.........
I am really excited about Vampire Diaries this season, and I can't wait till season 3 of Castle starts. I am kinda excited about this job! I am just glad I don't have to work late hours, and I only work Mon, Wed, and Friday. I will get to go to all my favorite classes at the gym, have time to make dinner, and watch all my favorite shows. These things are like essential to me. ha. I also will have more time with my hubby (most importantly) and friends.
So the reason it has taken me a while to find a job is not because no one wants to hire me, but because it has taken me a while to realize what I want. I turned down several jobs, looking for a more laid back one. I got offered a career, but my end goal is to be a mom. I would have had to put in 50-60 hours a week and then eventually be running my own company. It would have been fun/stressful, I could have done it, but I am not looking for something like that. Plus, I want to be home on Saturdays, b/c my husband doesn't work Saturdays.This eliminated quit a few options. I decided I didn't want to be a teachers assistant, or dance instructor (jobs I talked about on facebook) b/c they could only give me like 15-18 hours a week (few hours a day). I'd rather not work at all. I don't have to. I would much rather work full time every other day, b/c I can actually go an do things on my days off. It also makes it easier to plan vacations!
Its funny, I loved the interviewing process. I am totally weird. I felt so confident, and got caught up in people liking/wanting me that I actually said I would do most of these jobs. Calling to turn them down was the hard part for me.
Some other exciting news is that we are looking for a puppy!! I have wanted one my whole entire life long existence! Just ask my mom. I always wrote puppy at the top of my Christmas list, in bold gigantic letters. I kinda want him. Peanut looks totally lovable!
Wow, so that was a lot of random material, along with some venting. I am not in a bad mood. I am just in an anxious mood to get things accomplished. I am also on the lazy side tonight b/c I am sore all over.
Hope y'all have a fabulous weekend to anyone who might come across my blog. I am looking forward to it!! I am joyfully looking forward to it. I get to see my man, have my car back, and do some fun things. Hopefully, we will get to accomplish some things too :)
I think we are meant to be friends. :) We watch the same shows! Ha! Gotta love that TV. I LOVE Vampire Diaries. and Castle. 24 was great until season 6 then it just got WAY too violent for me. I hope Christine and I can come see you soon. : )
So, to comment on the furniture the only things I would consider about the bedroom set is first the color, be prepared if it's dark to dust all the time or live with dusty furniture. I didn't realize this until after we bought our black bedroom set. Second, the storage is awesome but usually that means you don't have a boxspring which gives you more support and comfort. So, just some things to think about if you haven't already, but it looks beautiful. I love your style.
On another note, all this talk of a new job but what is it? What will you be doing? Maybe I'm blind and missed it, it wouldn't suprise me I swear whenever I'm pregant I miss things all the time.LOL. But I just saw all the things you considered but won't be doing so I am dying to know what it is you will be doing. =) It is always hard to find a job when you know in advance that you won't be making a career out of it, but I always think that the experience you gain will always benefit you. It's always good to have some experience if you ever need to fall back on it sometime anyways. And it's always nice to bring in some extra dough to save while you can. So, you go girl. I look forward to hearing more.
Memory I agree :)
SeQuoia thanks for your input!!!! Those are things I hadn't thought about.
I have an office job that I will blog about after I start working.
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