1. I turned 24 on our 24th day out here in Texas!
2. Unlike any other bday, my husband surprised me with a gift (at midnight) and was creative about it. Usually he just buys me something I tell him that I want. Can you figure out his message?
3. I got to try a fancy cupcake for the first time.Oh boy was it good!
4. For the first time, I was able to share my special day with my sweet father-in-law. It's kinda fun that we were born on the same day.
5. My wonderful mother-in-law got us some nice pots and pans + a new iron. Both were desperately needed. Thanks again Sheila =)
6. BYU actually cooperated and won a game for me! =)
7. Blowing out candles together with my father-in-law was very fun. Adam put candles on top of our turtle cheesecake in the shape of both of our ages combined.
8. Adam and I went to TGI FRIDAY'S for lunch. It brought back so many memories. My parents took me here every year for my birthday. It use to be my favorite restaurant. I would always get the Jack Daniel's Tower, before they got rid of it.
9. I spent my birthday with my handsome husband, my in-laws, my sister in-law, and her kids. Its so nice to have family close by. What a perfect weekend to have the in-laws visit!
10. My family sent me a thoughtful birthday card with a $25 dollar gift card to OUTBACK. Yes!! Thanks family. You know I will enjoy that very much, and know exactly what I will order =)
11. Memory, my visiting teacher, presented me with a big plate full of these lemon pound cake thingies with a nice hand made card. They were very scrumptious. I ate way too many. I think there were 12-15 on the plate. That was what was left the next day.
12. My sweet sister-in-law SeQuoia sent me a nice hand made card with a thoughtful message, for my birthday. She is so sweet. It was the first card I received for my birthday.
13. I received mulitple birthday messages on my phone and facebook.I talked with my best friend for a long time on the phone.
14. I was able to enjoy a nice home cooked meal for dinner. Sheila is an expert for sure. It was very tasty. Usually Adam just takes me to a few places, so I don't have to cook on my birthday.
15. I was able to observe and watch Adam help his nephews learn how to ride a bike and play ball.
16. Got to play some fun board games with the in-laws. Of course, Adam kicked our butts.
17. Our family came over to see our apartment. It was fun to show someone our new place!! The kids liked the dog park.
18. I got an email from my brother wishing me a happy birthday! It was filled with compliments too of course! I was planning on visiting him this weekend, but the mission president told me no and my brother would be mad if I did it with out permission.
19. Was able to watch some Castle and 24 with my husband! He has been traveling a lot lately. Its hard waiting for him to get back to watch these! I am liking the second season of 24 so far. I hear it only get better from here.
20. Shot some hoops at our apartment. I made my first shot with my purse on. Its really heavy, so I was impressed. he he
21. No exercise took place the whole holiday weekend. It was nice to relax
22. We got a new vacuum!! It works great. That was all of the dust/dirt from living here three weeks without a vacuum. Pretty sick.
23. Went swimming and spent a lot of quality time with the family
24. My husband gave into the phrase, "well it is my birthday." lol
This picture is for Lorraine and Ashely Martin (inside joke). We found this hat in the mall, after we bought our vacuum.
7 hours ago
Happy Birthday (a few days late, sorry!) Sounds like you had a great birthday weekend!
glad you had a great birthday love the cruz's
I love all the pictures....that was cool Adam spelling out Happy Birthday to you....he is too cute. Love the hat. Glad you had a wonderful birthday with the Towners...they such an amazing family. Love you
I am glad you had such a wonderful birthday. Spelling out Happy Birthday was awesome, very creative =) We miss you guys!
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