In no particular order....
Iao Valley State Park (located in central Maui)
Not only is sacred Iao Valley naturally tropically beautiful, it has great historical significance. The Battle of Kepaniwai happened here in 1790. King Kamehameha clashed with Maui's army in his quest to unite the islands. Kamehameha defeated Maui's forces in a ferocious battles that ultimately changed the course of Hawaiin history.

Of course Adam is the most adventurous out of us all. He climed up everything he could.

If I would have tried to climb up there...I am almost certain I would have slipped and fallen in. Those rocks were wet and very slippery.

I almost fell in the water just climbing across rocks to get to that point.

Adam took this nice shot of this plant my parents like

another picture by the water

It was nice resting on this rock after our hike

Me and my hubby with the famous 1200-foot Iao Needle in the background. Towering in the sky above Iao Valley, this green-covered moutain peak is one of Maui's most famous sites.

Love the green jungle. It is so much prettier than what we are use to (ugly desert).

We hiked up this small little trail that was off the path. We like to be adventurous. There was nothing too exciting on the way and the trail just went on we turned around after fifteen minutes.

Nice shot of the Iao Needle

Welcome to the Jungle

At the top where the pathway ended. You can see the start of the bottom of the pathway and the parking lot. They had signs warning people to stay on the marked paths. We don't like to follows the rules though.

Me and the Parents...we didn't want to get burned like a lot of tourists do so we decided to cover up.

A little too upclose and personal. ha. but a cool shot non the less.

Iao Needle

The drive up...I love being surrounded by green.

We thought this would turn out better. Oh well.

We played in the tidepools after we ate breakfast (pictures of breakfast are below) I don't feel like putting anything in order.

Ma and Pa

Everywhere you go...the ocean is just so pretty

Some of Adam's findings...little hermit crabs. (When we went to the Bahamas my sister took home 30 nice size hermit crabs she had found-they had the coolest shells)

Adam really enjoyed searching for little creatures.

We left at 7am to eat breakfast at the Gazebo. Its a very popular place. We of course waited in a huge line to eat here.

It was well worth the wait. The best pancakes I have EVER had in my Entire life. Banana and Macadamia nut pancakes with cocunut syrup. I want to figure out how to make the syrup. It is SO good.

My parents split an omelet which they enjoyed.. but their omelet probably didn't bring them as much JOY as my pancakes brought me.

While we waited in line we took some pictures by the pool

They have a lot of whale sightings aparently at this restaurant. We unfortuneately didn't see any.

Here was the line in front of us. Below is a picture of the line behind us

Our rental car in Maui. Of course we had to get a convertable. We are tourist. They ran out of the Mustangs.

We ate across the street from the banyon tree at Cool Cats on the second floor. It was SO good. Delicious Hawaiin Burgers that blow Islands out of the water...and who doesn't like Islands?!?

The fam : ]

We had a coupon for free rootbeer floats. They were pretty good too.

One of my favorite pictures. If the shoes fits....
1 comment:
those pancakes at gazebo are seriously the best. if you figure out the syrup, let me know!
i had to laugh at your car, because we had the exact. same. one. (but white). wasn't it the tourist rental car?!
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