We recently just got back from camping

Our last night camping was quite entertaining. We had some Jerry Springer action going on with our neighbors. We got the cops called on them. They were all intoxicated, swearing up a storm, and attacking each other. One of the crazies walked over to our camp.
The whole incident in the words of my sister:

We had to take a picture by the metallic buffalo at the restaurant where they make buffalo burgers. I think they closed it down this year. It wasn't open when we went.
Last week before we went camping, my sister, mom, and I went to education week. The classes were very spiritual and uplifting. I have to say we do not like the crazy midlife crisis women of Utah. You know the ones who wear the expensive Mek and True Religion Jeans with shirts from Buckle. The ones who have starbucks in hand and let all their friends cut in line just before the doors open, when there is a huge line of people who all have been waiting in line for an hour because not everyone can get in to these popular classes. Ya mormons here are crazy. People cut in front of us twice. We tried to get them in trouble but they lied to get out of it. Stupid Mormons. ha. We got into the classes but some people behind us did not because of them. I thought they were very fake and selfish.
"Ok, so we're all sitting around the fire, just talking, making s'mores, enjoying the peaceful night... when suddenly, we hear this lady start screaming. "I've heard enough from you!" "She attacked me in bed, in BED!" and this lady is just cussing up a storm. So this goes on for about 10 minutes or so... "You broke my arm, you b!" and "I think my tooth is loose" so my sister and my cousin go talk to the camp host and they told us that if it started up again, to go get them. So the screaming has stopped, but an hour later, it starts up again. So we go back to get the camp host, and they drive up in their car and tell us they're going to drive around and listen to them. So we're all sitting by our fire, and we see someone walking up. Turns out, it's the girl that the lady was screaming at. She comes up to us totally drunk (with a thermos full of vodka) and asks, "Did the camp hosts come by and complain about the noise? Because the screaming was coming from my camp" and she proceeds to tell us how she started beating up her sister-in-law because she called her a b. And she shows us her hair that her sister-in-law had ripped out, and at this point it's just ridiculous. I was uncontrollably laughing my head off haha. Anyway, then the camp hosts come up to our camp and talk to the girl there, and she tells them everything! And it turns out that the whole fight started over hot dogs. Wow... hahaha. So long story short they called the sheriff who came by in the morning. Omg.... so funny :P"
Last weekend we went up to Syracuse to visit my dad's side of the family.
We had a huge luncheon with everyone. It was nice to sit an relax and get to know everyone better. We don't visit my dad's side as often as my mom's.
We drove around Antelope Island since its right by my grandpa's house.

and pretty scenery

We had to take a picture by the metallic buffalo at the restaurant where they make buffalo burgers. I think they closed it down this year. It wasn't open when we went.

Today Adam quit his job and we went and got our textbooks for our classes. This time they only cost $550. I really don't want to start classes next monday. What a bust. At least my birthday is coming up. Something to look forward to.
Yay that makes me happy that someone made my cookies! I'll have to try it with chocolate pudding mix---I don't know why I didn't think of that before!!! Doesn't that recipe make a TON of cookies?!?! I need to cut it down so I don't have so many cookies to munch on during the week!
Ya I halved your recipe because I knew Adam and I couldn't eat all those cookies at once. ha.
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